Can you believe day 20 of my little 40 day consecutive blogging journey is already here? Interestingly enough, the last day of this 40 day run coincides with my daughter’s return from Africa (no I didn’t plan it that way).
Normally, I run my blog posts first thing each morning, so that those of you that are subscribed will get it on that same day. However, if I wait and post it later in the day (or write it later in the day – like today), it may not run the subscription until the next day. Quirky…but, I’m not techie enough to figure that out (at least not now). So, you may not be reading this until Sunday, but I’m referencing things that happened this morning (Saturday). Got it? Yeah…me neither. 🙂
My morning started out kind of bleh. Saturdays are usually wonderful. I get to sleep in. For me, that might only be 7:00 or 7:30, but that’s a couple hours longer than normal. 🙂 So, as planned, I slept in until around 7:30 today. Usually, I’ll turn over, look at the time on my phone (a/k/a my alarm clock) – oh, I have to grab those pesky glasses first (ah…the joys of aging). I digress. Anyway, as I was saying, I check the time and usually head straight to the bathroom for my morning liquidation (TMI).
This morning…I never got past staring at my phone, because it also showed me I had missed lots of activity that occurred around 5:15 am. I typically turn off the volume at night so that only the alarm clock rings through. Keeps all the other bleeps, chirps, etc. from emails or texts from waking us up. Well…because of that little habit…I missed Anna trying to get in touch with me from AFRICA!!!!! She had texted, tried to FaceTime, emailed, and sent Facebook messages. I couldn’t believe I had essentially “silenced” my baby girl!
If that wasn’t bad enough, as I read her email update…she explained how she had been sick for basically a week now (since before she even left training camp). She thought it was just her allergies flaring up, but she never got any better. Eventually, her team leader felt that Anna might have an infection and need to be seen at the clinic in Uganda.
The host pastor they are staying with ended up driving Anna, her team leader (Helena) and another teammate to the clinic. They wanted to draw blood, but Helena advised that didn’t appear to be necessary at the moment (another whew!), so Anna declined the blood test (whew!). I know they are probably very sanitary, but you just never know.
They ended up treating her with an antibiotic to help her ear/nose/throat infection, but it ended up making her throw up each day. So, now they’re adjusting her meds to a different time of day to coincide with food intake a little better.
Will you please pray for my girl as the Lord prompts? It would do this mama’s heart good!
On a brighter note, she is in love with the country of Uganda and their treasured people. Here’s a pic of a new friend she’s made while there. What a cutie-pie! Look at those big eyes!
Oh, poor baby! Sure will be praying for return of good health. And, through it all she is actively participating it appears. What a strong-willed young lady!
Thank you for praying Erin!