Just a quick moment to share that the winner from this week’s signed book giveaway is Colleen Reske (7/15 – 12:37 pm)! Congratulations! Be sure to email me your mailing address information at [email protected] so that we can get the book sent right out to you.
If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you’ve probably figured out that I LOVE to travel…by plane, car, boat, train, moped (well…maybe not that last one). You get the idea though.
If time and money were limitless, I still wouldn’t be able to visit all the places on my list before I die. Just too many that I want to see. Even so, I press on.
A couple of times during my widowhood, I was invited to stay with friends in various places across the United States. They opened up their homes to me, which helped to save on lodging expenses, and yet it also allowed me the opportunity to see old and new friends alike. I even had the chance to meet some sweet gals that I met through Facebook or blog world. How fun!
I still have standing invitations in Pennyslvania, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, and California. You just never know when I might cash those in. 🙂
This November, my hubby and I will be traveling to the midwest and a little further west – in part to see some family – and in part to see some sites! I shared with him that if we stop at “such-and-such” we could see ______, and if we drive through “here”, we could maybe get together for lunch with ____________. Thanks to this little oasis (a/k/a my blog) and the world of social media, in general, I honestly feel like I now have friends in every nook and cranny of the United States.
While it’s impractical to stop and visit everyone that we’d like to, it did cause us to pause and talk over how fun it would be to open up our home to friends traveling through the area and vice versa. It would be like having our own little B&B right in the mountains of Western North Carolina. It would give us the opportunity to visit with precious people and yet provide our visitors the chance to see more of the country without having the added lodging expense.
So…that said, if you’re ever in Asheville, NC or the nearby vicinity, give me a hollar. If the timing is right, we just might have “room in the inn”. After all, mi casa es su casa! And, if you live in Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Nebraska…we’ll be in YOUR neck of the woods in early November. Be sure to wave!
Open door and open arms in Phoenix!
You may just see us! 😉