After yesterday’s heavier post topic, I needed something a little more light-hearted for today. This came to mind while I was eating with my family at our local Cracker Barrel, and I began laughing at my husband. No…not just randomly…this was well-deserved (at least I thought so).
Joel has this quirky little habit whenever we eat out that involves gathering all of the paper trash on the table and putting it in one pile. Specifically, if I take the paper off a straw (for example) and crumble it all up and lay it by my glass, he’ll come looking for it to put with his trash pile and anybody’s else’s on the table. Tonight, I had a corner of that straw paper wedged under my water glass, and he even spotted it and dug it out from there to add to his little trash pile. I started cracking up, and he smirked, because he knew EXACTLY why I was laughing. He might be a little O.C.D. in that area, but he’s not alone.
We all have them! Yes…even YOU. ๐
I, too, have my quirky little habits (probably a lot more than my husband actually). And…being the list-maker that I am (yes…another quirky habit), I made a list of those personal oddities:
- If I have more than one towel hanging on a towel rack, they need to be hanging evenly side-by-side. Can’t have one hanging lower or higher than the one beside it. (Yes…if you’re familiar with the old movie thriller, Sleeping With the Enemy, I’m like the psycho husband in this area.)
- I can’t wash dishes in a sink full of dirty dishwater unless all of the food was rinsed off first. I don’t like food floating in my water (not even a little bit).
- ย OK – this might be a little TMI (too much information), but I’m on a roll now. That said, I change underwear twice a day. Yes – lots of laundry in this area, but I like wearing a clean pair in the morning and again at night. Remember how your mother always told you when you were little to make sure you wear a clean pair of underwear each day, because you never know if you’ll be in a wreck. Well, let’s just say I’ve been very obedient in that area.
- The seam of my socks has to be slightly on top of my toes. I can tolerate it on the edge of my toes but definitely NOT underneath my toes.
- After turning on my computer at work, the first thing I do after I sit down at my desk is to grab my three pens (pink, green, and blue) and go ahead and open them up and line them up side-by-side on my notepad.
- All my towels have to be folded in thirds and then thirds again with the rounded side facing out when stacked together in the linen closet.
- I even have an “order” to my prayer time each morning.
Okay, now that I’ve totally made you think I’m some kind of a freak (I assure you I’m not), I’d love to hear some of your quirks! ๐
Mine are food aversions. I can barely tolerate being in the same room while people are eating tuna or chicken salad. It looks like it has been chewed up and spit back in the bowl.
I can’t stand cottage cheese because it squeaks when you chew it.
I come close to losing my niceness when people are smacking, crunching loudly, or cleaning food out of their teeth with their tongue.
This cracked me up Lee! I have a few food aversions too, but maybe I’ll save them for “Quirkiness Part 2”. ๐
Leah, you are so funny! But…I’m with you on #2. I can’t wash dirty dishes..hahaha. My husband fills the sink with the dishes and then adds the water, but me, I have to make sure there’s no hidden food to “contaminate” my water, so I have to empty the sink and then add the water. As for the towels…can’t stand them on the floor or over the shower rod. They have to be hung up.
I loved reading this! Makes me feel more “normal”. Hee! Hee! ๐
GIRRRLLLL…we do NOT have enough time to list all my quirks!! But the first one that comes to mind is I cannot STAND to have drawers or cabinets or closet doors open! And that’s just the beginning… have a blessed day! ;~)
I hear ya…I only named some of my top ones. ๐ I TOTALLY get your quirk. Added to that would be the trash can lid. Nope – can’t stand it open either. ๐
I’m lauging my behind off because I’ve suddenly realized we are more alike than I thought. I do all of these to a tee except numbers 1 and 5. I actually do something similar to 5 by lining my pens up in my pocket at work. And, I don’t have a towel bar to hang towels on otherwise I’d probably be like that too. I guess we truly are sisters!!!
Lol!!! Pretty scary eh? ๐