I am so very, very excited to share some BIG news from our family to all of you!
God has been working this out in our hearts long before Joel and I ever met, but it’s exciting to see it finally come to fruition. I’ll give you the news first (no…you don’t have to wait until the end of the post…you’re welcome…ha!), but keep reading for more of the details!
We are in the process of adopting!
For those of you that have been following Out of Deep Waters for any length of time know that God called me to adoption when I was still a widow. At that time, it looked a little differently than it will this time. God also started tugging at Joel’s heart about adoption before he even knew I existed. So, you can imagine that during one of our first conversations…the topic of adoption came up! I shared with Joel then how I was pursuing adoption of a little girl in Africa.
Fast forwarding the story a bit, Joel and I ended up getting married in August, 2012. The adoption process was placed on pause for a little while until we passed the one-year anniversary mark (as most countries understandably will not allow adoptions for couples married less than a year, some even longer). Additionally, we had a crazy-busy first year of marriage, and God knew we needed that down time before embarking upon this exciting, yet somewhat overwhelming, new adventure together.
Last fall we knew that God had given us the nod to proceed. It took us until early 2014 to actually start taking baby steps in that direction again, but once we did, the ball started rolling pretty quickly.
We are once again working with the same agency I worked with before, and we are further in the process than I ever was the first time. However, all donations received previously have been transferred to this adoption, and we are so excited to see God already working in the area of provision!
There are many facets of this adoption that we are unable to share just yet, because of safety reasons for the children involved, but here are some facts:
We are adopting from Bulgaria.
We are seeking to adopt a sibling group.
We are looking at children ages 3-8.
We HAVE begun our home study process, and that will ultimately determine much of the above.
Friends – we know that we’ve been called to adopt. And, this is going to be hard, but as a wise friend shared recently with me, “God doesn’t call us to do hard. He calls us to do the impossible.” And she’s right! God often calls us to do those things that seem impossible, because ultimately He gets the glory!
It’s impossible for us to imagine ever getting through all the required paperwork.
It’s impossible for us pay for this. Impossible.
It’s impossible for us to even fundraise nearly $40,000+ to cover these expenses.
It’s impossible for us to parent children that won’t speak a lick of English when we meet them for the first time.
It’s impossible to share our heart’s passion for the orphan and express our desire to obey in this calling effectively.
But, God will make all this possible. It’s His money. These are His children. WE are His children.
We are excited, and a bit overwhelmed if truth be told, about this journey. As a result, we humbly ask you to pray! We know that prayer is vital in all of this. We prayed before, we’re praying now, and we’ll continue praying even after these children are home. But…we need others on their knees along with us. Will you join us in praying?
Please pray also about how God might be asking you to help. And…we’re not just talking about money. There are so many ways to help us bring our children home that don’t just involve giving cash (although that’s needed too!). We’ll be providing more details about our adoption process and ways to come alongside us as the days, weeks, and months progress! Stay tuned…and please pray!
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27
YES!!! Love your calling, your answer to God’s desires for your family, and this news! How wonderful and exciting. I’ll be praying for you as you journey through the paperwork, travels, correspondence and emotions.
Much love to you all!
Thank you Sam! We treasure you praying for us and know that it is CENTRAL in this process! We look forward to the journey with great excitement and anticipation for all God has prepared for us! Love you!
How exciting!! I love your faithfulness in following His impossible plan for you and your family. Will be praying for you throughout this journey. Congratulations.
Thank you Veronica! Exciting indeed! And…we’ll take those prayers!!!
Ah!! 🙂 Grinning through my tears! 🙂 Love you! 🙂
🙂 I know Sheila!!! We’ve shed many happy tears over this ourselves!!! Love you back girl!
Woh! God’s gonna get lots of chances to show off! So excited for you!
Yes He is Lee! I can’t wait to watch it all unfold. To Him be ALL the glory!
BTW…LOVE the photo posted with this blog…so creative and PERFECT! :~)
Thank you Carrie! We had fun doing it too!