As we inch our way closer to bringing our children home from Eastern Europe, we’re amazed at how God has been meeting every single need along the journey. It’s astounding actually, and we’re carefully recording all of those glory stories to one day share with our adopted children.
And so…as we continue the journey…we’re embarking upon a new fundraiser! This one seems too simple (in theory) but has been known to be so rewarding. While we’ll be working with “virtual envelopes”, the concept is the same as if you were looking at a table lined with 200 envelopes.
How to participate:
1) First go to The 200 Envelopes Project event on Facebook by clicking HERE to access the project. Please feel free to share and invite your friends!
2) Choose the envelope (or multiples envelopes) you want. Each envelope contains a number 1 to 200, with each number representing that specific dollar amount. For example, 7 represents $7, 29 represents $29, 142 represents $142 and so on. Then make a comment on the page indicating which envelope(s) you chose so that others know when they are no longer available. (We’ll be updating the picture too – see #5 below.)
3) Go to our Paypal account (see below) and donate the amount that corresponds with the envelope(s) you chose. If you prefer to donate in person rather than online, that’s perfectly fine too (email me at [email protected], and I’m happy to provide our mailing address). We just ask that all donations being sent via snail mail get mailed within 48 hours so that envelopes are not “reserved” indefinitely.
4) How to pay via Paypal. It’s SO EASY, and you don’t have to have a Paypal account in order to donate. Go to At the top left, choose Send. Enter our Paypal email address: [email protected] and the amount of your donation. Click continue. Choose “This is to friends or family” option on the left. Simply follow the rest of the steps to complete your transaction. That’s it!
5) We’ll be updating the envelope picture (on the FB event page) as often as we can (but no less than twice a day) to indicate which envelopes are no longer available.
Thank you so much for your support in helping us reach our financial goals, necessary in order to eventually reach our children waiting to meet their new mommy and daddy! You are a blessing to us!
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