The month of May brought us to and through one of the most challenging moments of our adoption journey thus far…the yard sale!
Yes. A YARD sale, of all things, was a significant test along this new path to bring our children home.
Let’s just face it. Adoption is expensive. It’s ridiculous with the number of children all over this world in need of parents that it costs so much to adopt, but it does. The average person doesn’t have this volume of discretionary money just sitting around, so fundraising is essentially a must!
Our situation is no different. After much prayer and prompting by the Holy Spirit to dive into this journey with full faith that God will equip us with whatever we need to complete this process…we began researching fundraising options.
An idea that popped up from several different adoptive families was that of a large yard sale…one that involves many people. We saw the possibilities (from reading about others’ successful yard sale fundraisers) that we could potentially raise anywhere from $1,500 to $7,000 with this magnitude of a sale.
We knew we had to try. While many fundraising options exist, this is one of the more potentially significant options financially-speaking.
Flyers went out alerting people of our need for their unwanted “stuff”. We spent weeks driving all over Western North Carolina (and even across the border into TN) collecting massive amounts of things that were no longer needed or wanted by others that God allowed to cross our path.
Some of these items came from family and friends. However, some came from perfect strangers.
Some came from people that totally “get” the orphan crisis and some came from people that simply didn’t want to haul off their own stuff.
Some came from believers…some came from vocal unbelievers.
No matter…God used exactly who He intended to use to bless us in our efforts.
We rented a storage unit in which to collect the items, banking on the hope that we would be given so much that we wouldn’t be able to store it at home. We were right!
We ended up with this and MORE, all in a 10’ x 30’ unit!
A couple weeks out from our May 31 sale, we began to feel the effects of our hard work. Our nights grew shorter, our free time was non-existent. The week of the sale, we averaged no more than 5 hours of sleep each night, and the night before the big event…only two hours of sleep.
If truth be told, we began to somewhat regret that we ever took on this endeavor. Certainly there was a better way. But, we were in too deep at this point to even consider bailing out.
The day of the sale arrived, and the load that we’d been storing for several weeks finally made it to the site of the event.
Seeing it all out in front of us simply blew us away. None of this was possible without God directing each step.
He called out each donor (whether they knew His voice or not).
He hand-picked the volunteers.
He perfected the weather for that day (overcast with NO rain, kept temps bearable).
He was in every detail.
As the day went on, I began to fade a bit. I was simply tired. I couldn’t tell how sales were going, and I prayed that all of this work wasn’t in vain.
God, please bless us in this. You called us to do this. We’re trusting you to provide for our every need.
Soon after those private thoughts and prayers entered my mind, my sister-in-law (Donna) came up to me with one of the shoppers.
She said she had something for me.
Just a few moments before, she had picked up a box marked $2.00 and opened it. There was an insulated mug inside, and it read “Great things happen when you follow Jesus”. Donna showed it to a lady standing next to her and commented she should give that to her sister-in-law (me). The lady took it from her and opened it to find $25 inside. Donna then asked her if she cared if she gave it to me. Together, they walked up to me to give me this “special” mug. They shared the story with me. And…Donna and I both cried.
I have no idea who donated the mug to begin with. I have no idea how the $25.00 got in there, but I do know that God sent me that sweet little reminder in the midst of my exhaustion and questioning. To me, it was encouragement to stay the course…to keep “fighting the fight”…He’s called us to do this and will not abandon us now.
The end of the story? The lady bought the mug but left the $25 with us. And…God allowed us to raise nearly $4,000 that day towards our adoption expenses!
To Him be ALL the glory!
Wow! Just think – all of those items – spread out over such a large territory – that cup could have been found by anybody – o.n.l.y. God could have directed it to be found by the person who was supposed to share it with you! It reminds me of the Gospel story of Jesus showing the coin in the fishes mouth so taxes could be paid……….
I know Linda! It’s truly incredible to think through the details of how this happened! Only God…only God!!!