We’re examining any and all avenues for fundraising (including grant opportunities), as it will be quite an adventure to reach our ultimate goal/need of $50,000+ for our sibling group adoption. PLEASE feel free to pass any ideas along to us. No idea is too insignificant at this point. Better yet – if there’s something the Lord places upon your heart to do as a fundraiser – let us know first, but I’m sure we’d be able to stand by in full support.
As of right now, here are some very specific things that you can do to help in our efforts. Some of these are for local people only, but most can include friends/family from all over!
1. Give $. No amount is too small. If God can multiply the loaves and fishes to feed over 5000 on the hillside that day long ago, I believe He can multiply any donation amount to meet His intended goal. I’d rather not post our personal mailing address on this website, but if you’d like to simply send a check towards getting the steps completed (click HERE to see a breakdown of the steps) and getting our children home, please email me at [email protected] for mailing address information.
2. Tax-deductible gift (Lifesong for Orphans). If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift, you can do so through our Lifesong for Orphans account (Lifesong is a 501(c)3 organization)! We have been approved for a Lifesong matching grant. They will match all donations received towards our adoption up to $2,000! Additionally, another generous donor came forward and offered to match another $2,500 in donations after the Lifesong grant was matched (which it has been). Between those two matching grants, $9,000 will be applied to our adoption fees…provided the matches are completely met! All gifts made to Lifesong on our behalf are tax-deductible.
3. Tangible gifts for our children. We’ve had many people show a desire to help us prepare for the arrival of three new littles into our family…clothing, games, toys, books, etc. We’ve been enormously blessed with a huge supply of beautiful hand-me-downs from various people, so we are no longer needing much in the clothing department. However, we still welcome other tangible blessings you might choose to give to our newest family members. We found the simplest way to share those needs was through a Target registry. Since they don’t have the option of an Adoption Registry, we had to set it up as a Baby Registry. You can find out more information by clicking HERE! Thank you for tangibly loving on our kiddos and helping to make their transition to the US a pleasant one!
4. Knee-dwellers – Friends we need your fervent prayers continually in this process…as the Lord directs. Some specifics:
- Protection & provision of our children while they await us coming to get them.
- Protection & provision of our family as we go through this process.
- Many, many people to join us on this journey – through prayer, giving, and encouragement.
These are just a few of the initial ways you can help even now. Check out the In the Works page for more ideas that we’re currently working on!
We thank God for each of you and for the part that you’re playing in our adoption story!