I’ve often spoken of my difficult childhood – one plagued with drama, chaos, pain, and difficulties. But…something I often like to do when my mind wants to wander back to those days is to remember the GOOD times, those times when I smiled…a lot! And, those times that continue to bring smiles to my face, even now, as I remember. No matter the pain…no matter the gloom…God still sent many rainbows, many expressions of His hope! Sometimes we have to look hard to find them, but I promise you – it’s worth the effort!
Some of my favorite childhood memories:
- Visiting Disneyworld and getting on the monorail headed the wrong direction (I still don’t know how *that* happened). Our mistake led to getting to ride in the very front with the conductor! Fun!
- Camping!
- Visiting my grandparents in Kansas. My brother, sister, and I were their only grandchildren, so we were a tad bit spoiled when we visited. ๐
- Getting haircuts with my granddaddy at the barber shop on Saturday mornings and then getting to go shopping or out to lunch with him.
- Christmas Eve open houses at a neighbor’s home.
- My 5-year-old birthday party at the Pizza Hut!
- Learning to swim and dive in our neighborhood pool!
- Playing in the woods. All. The. Time. (I grew up in the woods from age 7 on…)
- Getting to ride on the back of a motorcycle with our neighbor (the one and only time I did it in my 41 years).
- My best friend and I having appendectomies at the same time. While having an appendix removed wasn’t all that great of a memory…I thought it was pretty cool that we both had to have it done at the same time. We were 8 and spent nearly a week in the hospital (those were the days before “day surgery”).
- Spelling bees! Yes – I was a word nerd even then. ๐
- Getting to interview one of my favorite childhood authors, Beverly Cleary!
- Watching Star Wars at the drive-in theater!
- Pretending my baby sister was a doll, by rolling her around in my doll carriage.
- My peekapoo, Susie, who would answer to ANY name! ๐
Enjoy your Saturday – make some fun memories today!