Just a quick reminder…today is the LAST day to enter my first Author giveaway of this 40 days series. Trust me, this book is AMAZING. If you already have a copy, you can always give this one away to a friend if you’re our blessed winner! Click HERE to read more!
In my last DIY craft project, I made the mistake of using the “wrong glue”, at least initially. No – I didn’t share about this faux pas in that previous DIY post, because I was a tad bit embarrassed about my little mistake. 🙂 I used my glass glue rather than the hot glue I planned to use.
Distraction – gets me every single time!
Anyway…the result of this error led to my fingers being severely glued together. They were stuck! And…it took a LOT of effort to make them functional again. In the meantime, my project was put on hold. I could do nothing further but work my fingers out of the mess they were in. This stupid mistake resulted in about 30 minutes of wasted time, something I deeply treasure right now and try not to waste.
Eventually…the ol’ fingers were set free from “stuck status”, and I moved forward with my crafting.
There have been many other times where I’ve found myself “stuck”…not as a result of a glue mishap, but simply from life experiences (some within my control and some not). Sadly, I’m not alone. It grieves me most to see the body of Christ rendered ineffective simply due to being stuck. I honestly believe Satan has realized that while he may not be able to stop the church, as a whole, if he can stop the effectiveness of the body…he still succeeds (at least temporarily). When I see broken people, seemingly resigned to their brokenness…I grieve.
Can you imagine the strength of the worldwide church in the spread of the Gospel if its members were dynamically strong? I am burdened to see people freed from whatever it is that has them bound. As a woman that has struggled with abuse, addiction, abandonment, loss of a spouse to suicide, divorce, weight issues, and the list seems endless…I LONG to see people rescued and restored.
I know, first-hand, the Rescuer. I know the ability the Rescuer has any life that desires Him to heal, restore, and rescue. The question: do we truly want to be set free? Do we really want healing?
Jesus once asked this same question of a man desperate for healing (John 5). When Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be well…the man gave reasons (excuses) why he couldn’t receive his healing. But, as soon as the man obeyed the Master’s clear instructions…he found His complete healing.
I once found myself in that same place…actually on more than one occasion. I had the choice. I could either (1) stay stuck, or I could (2) charge right through the tunnel until I got to the light on the other side. The problem with this…so often charging through the tunnel is painful. It’s not easy, and very seldom is it fast. But, it’s oh so worth it! In the end…we’re free…not stuck!
But…you gotta want it! You might be thinking…
You don’t know my problem.
You’ve never experienced ______.
I’ve tried, but healing never comes.
I’m just too tired to fight it anymore.
You know what? I’ve said (or thought) every single one of those before (and even more!). While it’s true that our experiences are sure to be different, and I certainly haven’t experienced every single tragedy, and I’ve also been too tired to fight at times, but I’m living proof that healing comes. Do you want to be well? Stop back by tomorrow for part 2 of “Unstuck”. I’ll share some of the very specific things I’ve done to help me get to a place of healing following tragedy. See you here tomorrow!