For a lighthearted post today, I thought I’d give you a little glimpse into some of the things that make me smile. Here are a few of my favorites:
FOOD: Anything Mexican (I also have to admit, I’m a bit of a “salsa snob”)
BOOK: Apart from The Bible, Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall – such profound, life-altering truth found in this book
MOVIE: Oooh…this is a tough one. I love so many different types of movies, but I especially love historical romances. A movie that I continue to enjoy watching (even though I’ve seen it countless times) – Far and Away with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It depicts one of my favorite times of history (pioneer, homesteading days in the US), it provides a romance storyline, and there are several places of witty humor. Word of caution: there are also elements that would not be kid friendly.
HOLIDAY: Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
STATE: Of the ones I’ve visited so far (I’ve been to 37), Vermont takes the top spot!
ICE CREAM: Mint Chocolate Chip – Yummy!
VACATION: Touring Laura Ingalls Wilder homesites over the course of a week with my (then) 8-year-old daughter. It was a mommy/daughter trip I’ll NEVER forget!
CHILDHOOD MEMORY: Visiting my Aunt Jane in Kansas
COLOR: Pink!
FLOWER: I love ‘em all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WAY TO RELAX: By the sea
ITEM TO COLLECT: Newspapers from state capitals (seriously!). The trick? I have to go there to get them! J
SPORTS TEAM: Carolina Panthers, of course!!
PLACE TO BE: Snuggled in the safe arms of my hubby J