Before today’s post, I wanted to remind you that today is the LAST day to enter Monday’s giveaway, which you can do by clicking HERE. The winning odds are very good, so I would definitely encourage you to enter. The winner will be chosen tonight and announced tomorrow! Now…onto today’s post…
Oh…this is a hard one for me to write. I don’t know where to begin.
I can’t be anymore disappointed in myself than I am in this area in particular. After bringing all of you into my “secret world” (or what used to be a secret world) of weight loss…after giving you weekly weight loss SUCCESS updates for several weeks (that is, until I stopped)…after being my own biggest cheerleader (well, second to my husband)…I stopped.
I could give you excuse after excuse after excuse, and many of you would agree that several of them are valid, but I’ll spare you the details and simply admit I messed up.
Currently, I’m staying within 10 pounds of the 33.5 pounds I’ve lost so far. Some weeks, I’m closer to that number than others. My time in the gym has been slim to none. My water intake has been minimal, at best. My calorie counting has been, well, non-existent. I’ve just been “getting by”.
However, I have learned a great deal about myself during this drought.
- While I know the technical details of how to lose weight…taking in less than I’m putting out…I still have a long way to go on the emotional journey of weight loss.
- I still battle stress eating.
- Consistency is still not my friend.
- Spiritually, God is doing a mighty work in me in this area, and I still have a lot of growing to do.
It’s funny how small successes can send us into a state of feeling like we’re masters at something can’t it? I was on such a weight loss/fitness “high” that I thought nothing could shake me. Guess what…I got knocked down several knotches.
So, where am I now?
I’m a woman, deeply in love with God, who still struggles with her weight.
I’m a woman that refuses to quit on this journey.
I’m a woman still in need of lots of prayer love in this area.
I’m a woman who knows in my “knower” that I WILL reach my weight loss goal.
I truly do covet your encouragement and prayers in this area. I know I’ll never get there on my own. Thank you for being there for me to this point. I can’t wait to celebrate with you at the finish line!