QUICK REMINDER: Today is the last day to enter yesterday’s book giveaway. Please, please, please take a moment to read about it HERE. Even if you’ve never been affected by bipolar disorder or suicide, chances are you will encounter someone that could use this resource. Natalie’s story is heart-wrenching, yet full of God’s grace! An excellent read! Giveaway ends at 9:00 pm ET tonight!
I vividly remember conversations with my then 6-year-old daughter (that took place for many years to come) telling her that she doesn’t have to be a statistic. While the facts regarding children of divorced parents are alarming, she doesn’t have to be one of *those* numbers. I remember reading articles about the difficulties of single parenting and the effects on the children. I hated it. As a young girl, I never prayed, “Lord…please sent me my Prince Charming. Allow us to divorce. Allow me to remarry and then lose that husband to suicide.” Who would ask for something like that?
I’ve also not been one to play the victim. While some of the ugly things I’ve endured in my life could have been reversed had I made better decisions, there are others that were completely out of my control. Irregardless, I’ve never been one to linger in Victim-Land. Now, I’d be remiss to say I’ve never spent anytime there. That’s simply not true. I’ve had my own share of pity parties. I’ve asked God, “Why me?” before. I’ve thought about running off to a deserted island somewhere and just “starting over” without the baggage of my past.
I think there’s an element of beauty in pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, dusting ourselves off and moving forward into the land of the living. I’ve known far too many people that have chosen to “die” in Victim-Land. While they may not die a physical death, so to speak, they are so completely stuck in placing blame on everyone around them that caused them to be in the situation they currently find themselves in. True or not…I’ve discovered, first-hand, that’s not going to help anyone heal from the pain.
Some of you might be saying, “Easy for you to say…you don’t know what’s happened to me!” That’s true. I don’t. Maybe I can relate, and maybe I can’t. But, at the same token…I can say the same thing. While I openly share many details of my life here at Out of Deep Waters, please know it’s only a fraction of it. I share the segments that I do in hopes of helping someone else. If even one other person emerges from the deep, painful waters of life victoriously healed by God’s hand…then it’s worth it.
I don’t share to get attention, pats on the back, “bless your heart” expressions of love and concern. I don’t share to draw attention to my drama or past mistakes. I don’t share due to a need of co-dependency. As a matter of fact, all of these things go against every fiber of my personality, because I’m introvert, by nature. I gain energy from being alone. I’d rather others know nothing of the hurt and betrayal of my past. But God…
God won’t let me keep quiet. Just like I told my daughter that she can choose to be a statistic or choose to rise above it over a decade ago…I say the same thing to you. Regardless of where you might be in life…in a pit, just out of one, or never even stepped into one. I can assure you that the day will come (if it hasn’t yet), and I just want to equally encourage you…you don’t have to be a statistic. You can rise above your circumstances…not in your own power, but in the power of the living Lord, Jesus Christ! Attempting anything in my own power never stuck. Only relinquishing everything to Him brought me restoration and kept me out of the “statistics”.
Be blessed!