This upcoming weekend marks the 10-month anniversary of my husband’s passing from earth to heaven. Reflecting on that, I experience…
- Sadness at having to yet-again relive that horrible 24 hours from reporting him missing to discovering his shell of a body
- Amazement that I’ve survived 10 months on this grief journey to realize that my shattered heart is still beating
- Periods of questioning as to what my future can possibly hold with my husband by my side
- Peace in knowing that God will ALWAYS be by my side
- Thankfulness at all of the blessings that have been poured out upon my daughter and me
- Hope in the blessings God has yet in store for us
- Joy in recognizing that it’s been the prayers of the faithful and the love of my Almighty God that has brought me to this place
And this weekend…I’ll be surrounded by a bunch of scrapbookers, as I attend a scrapbooking retreat. This retreat is something that I hardly ever miss and have attended for years! However, I didn’t go last year, because I had a burning desire to spend some time alone with my husband. I sensed that we needed that time together. Little did I realize how thankful I would be for that special weekend away with him to discover that just a couple months later he’d be gone from my life.
The Holy Spirit continues to whisper to me, and I’m learning how to listen better. Just like He whispered to me last year to skip my retreat and spend the weekend with my husband, He’s whispering to me now in other areas of my life that I know I will one day discover are just as drastically important. These nudges – or whispers, as I prefer to call them – have become my lifeline to God. The more I seek His face, through prayer and His Word, the more I “hear” these precious whispers of His Spirit. And now…I listen more intently. I may never know the power, protection, or peace that comes with that whisper.